Archive 25:4 (August/September 2021) has arrived. This is another 56 page monster, full of news, reviews and articles. The large number of colour screenshots makes it feel even longer. I think Jim Nagel would very much approve of the high production standards of his successor. The list of authors (both new and familiar) in this edition is also very encouraging.
The ink is clearly still wet in the news section with all the latest news and a full list of winners in the 2021 RISC OS Awards. There is also a useful list of club meeting dates and contacts.
The articles are a mix of regulars (PC bits, Mac Matters, Yellow Pages, Acorn Retro, Code Burp, etc) with reviews, tutorials, etc.
The articles look both forwards (with comparisons of the FOURtress versus the 4Te) and backwards with the retro scene. Now that Gavin has several editions under his belt, he is also explaining plans for improving the magazine and the website (radical overhaul for October). You can read Gavin's exciting plans for the magazine in the magazine....
As usual, the articles are all very hands on and targeted at a wide range of abilities from debugging with UCDebug to writing some colourful demos in Python. And it you find the RISC OS desktop a little too 'quiet', you will enjoy the guide on how to create a Technicolor Desktop.
Gavin hopes to be at the London Show in person with 25:5 and chatting with you about the magazine.
Archive website