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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS London Show 2024 - Notes from the talks

RISC OS London Show 2024 - Notes from the talks

Posted by Mark Stephens on 15:05, 26/10/2024 |

Here are my notes from the talks. Any mistakes or omissions are mine.

RISC OS Developments
Richard Brown has plenty of news... Iris is now on general release and free for all. There is a new release of RISC OS Direct which includes it. There is a new release of the TCP/IP stack and wifi handling is much improved. Richard demonstrated the wifi profiles feature which is really slick.

In answer to a question from the audience, Richard also said 64 bit was on their roadmap.

This his Orpheus hat on, currently updating their hardware. New machines use much less energy.

Andrew's talk was bringing us up to speed on what he has busy on since Wakefield (NVMe, ROD, monitors, upgrades for existing systems). Updated 11 different systems in total. R-Comp systems use an enhanced version of RISC OS Direct. ARMX6 got wifi support in update! PineBook Pro will no longer be manufactured (and successor likely to be 64bit) so limited stocks.

NVMe uses block devices which makes it much easier to support different systems with minimal effort. Also fast!

R-Comp also has some modern monitors (OLED and IPS) running much fasters than 60 fps and RISC OS drivers to support these higher rates. Software can be bought separately or free with monitors.

Over summer updated versions of Heretic and Hexen.

Demonstrated the Hydra systems. Can take up to 6 processors and allow access to Windows and Linux in a Window. Shared drive allows file sharing.

Sine Nomine
RiscOSM is actually 10 years old! Matthew was demoing the 2024 version including the Nominatim plugin which gives access to lots additional data (like cash machines). It is now supported in Reece plugin.

Showed sample Python apps added at Wakefield to show how to access RiscOSM.

Matthew showed RiscOSM handling all sorts of data including blue plaques and traffic camera data.

Impact was also shown interacting with RiscOSM data and allowing to filter data in multiple ways.

Sprow was representing ROOL. He started with a recap of 5.30 (76 bugs fixed since 5.28, 6 bounties, 347 changes to Disc images).New 'Lion' micro SD card to support older OMAP5 systems. New edition of style guide (updated and includes Tree gadget). Other manuals being updated including PRM. RISC OS User guide also updated for 5.30. 

Worked with David Pilling to make SparkFS Open Source (52,000 lines of code to review) and now 1.57 now  supports streamed zips. Lots of ideas for new features including ability to rename files in zip.

New DDE update released in September. Minor patches and fixes including bugs in the debugger. Documentation also updated. Plan for future include other language front ends, C24 support, 64bit Arm, replace CFront with Arm licensed alternative.

Plans to make updating RISC OS 5 simpler. Apps outside !Boot are now on PackMan. Extension in Configure to updates to RISC OS.

Some  more 'eye' candy' planned (password reveal tote, sound effects on WIMP events), improved themes, dark mode.

CJE Micro's
Chris Evans was back in person to update us. Much of their work for older machines. SInce last London show, produced an archimedes key converter to allow PS/2 support, produced a new A7000 backplate with option to fit real time clock, zif socket for BBC micros. Have created new supplies of 2meg VRAM for Risc PC.  Have Pi Zeros in stock. RGB to HDMI converter allows retro systems to use modern monitors.

Some new projects for retro systems in next few weeks...

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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS London Show 2024 - Notes from the talks