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The Icon Bar: News and features: Wakefield show reminder

Wakefield show reminder

Posted by Jeffrey Lee on 01:17, 17/4/2012 |
This is a quick reminder that the 2012 Wakefield show is to be held next weekend, on Saturday the 28th of April. The show will be open between 10:30 and 4:30, at the usual venue of the The Cedar Court Hotel in Wakefield.
For more details, including a list of exhibitors, please see the show website.
  Wakefield show reminder
  trevj (14:17 19/4/2012)
  arawnsley (14:46 19/4/2012)
    trevj (14:56 19/4/2012)
  swirlythingy (17:00 19/4/2012)
    arawnsley (17:08 19/4/2012)
    trevj (19:48 19/4/2012)
      arawnsley (23:14 19/4/2012)
      VincceH (00:08 20/4/2012)
        trevj (07:01 20/4/2012)
          VincceH (09:02 20/4/2012)
      CJE (16:12 20/4/2012)
    apacketofsweets (10:18 20/4/2012)
  sirbod (23:42 19/4/2012)
Trevor Johnson Message #120140, posted by trevj at 14:17, 19/4/2012
Posts: 660
Per the advice at the bottom of the show's accommodation website, laterooms.com currently has double rooms available at the Cedar Court Hotel for £15 on the Friday night. (Saturday fully booked.)

[Edit: Beware! I've just read the small print in the email booking confirmation: "This offer is based on a minimum spend of £40 in Cedar Court Hotel’s restaurant on the night of your stay. If the total bill in La Brasserie is less than £40 the difference will be added to your accommodation invoice." Sounds like I'd better give them a ring and see if it's possible to wangle out of this!]

[Edited by trevj at 14:27, 19/4/2012]
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #120141, posted by arawnsley at 14:46, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120140
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
Big thanks for this, Trevor - I'd forgotten to book anything, and this is ideal smile
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Trevor Johnson Message #120142, posted by trevj at 14:56, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120141
Posts: 660
Thanks to TIB and Jeffrey too then, or I may not have posted it!
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Martin Bazley Message #120146, posted by swirlythingy at 17:00, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120140

Posts: 460
[Edit: Beware! I've just read the small print in the email booking confirmation: "This offer is based on a minimum spend of £40 in Cedar Court Hotel’s restaurant on the night of your stay. If the total bill in La Brasserie is less than £40 the difference will be added to your accommodation invoice." Sounds like I'd better give them a ring and see if it's possible to wangle out of this!]
It's yet another dodgy special offer from a so-called "budget" company preying on the mathematically illiterate, much like how Ryanair promises you a flight to Spain for £9.99 and then you discover the rules of the flight include a £100 penalty for breathing.

The offer can be more honestly translated as follows: For £55, you get a double room at the Cedar Court Hotel on Friday night with all you can eat at the restaurant thrown in.

The double subtraction in the small print is a classic case of companies trying to make it sound like you're paying less than you really are. It is not physically possible to get a room for £15. Sorry, primary school dropouts, no free lunch for you.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #120147, posted by arawnsley at 17:08, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120146
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
Not sure 40ukp will buy you "all-you-can-eat" at Cedar Court restaurant prices wink

Also, it didn't include breakfast, so that was yet more money. Still, it worked out about the same as the price they initially offered *without* dinner, so I guess there is such a thing as a free lunch (well, dinner)!
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Trevor Johnson Message #120148, posted by trevj at 19:48, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120146
Posts: 660
I opted for the £10 breakfast supplement, to set me up for the day, and made my online booking: a total of £25.

Before I could phone to query the £40 "compulsory" extra, they phoned me. I stated that this was not included in their T&Cs (it isn't) and wasn't stated during the booking process either. I was told it was an integral part of the laterooms.com deal.

When I told them that I wouldn't have booked if I'd known about these conditions (I would've maybe asked around for room-shares or seriously considered sleeping in a bivi-bag somewhere) I was asked how much I'd expect to pay for B&B. For this, I arrived at the figure of around £20 (hugely optimistic and a decade or more out of date, I know) and told them.

A short wait later, after the person on the other end had presumably consulted with the duty manager, it was confirmed to me that they'll do B&B for £25.

You're right that there's no free lunch, though.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #120152, posted by arawnsley at 23:14, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120148
R-Comp chap
Posts: 598
I'll know who to blame if they run out of bacon at breakfast! (wink)

And before you say anything, yes, the Webbington ran out of bacon when we stayed there for the SW show unhappy It was rather disappointing. Especially given they were out of eggs too!
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Jon Abbott Message #120154, posted by sirbod at 23:42, 19/4/2012, in reply to message #120140
Posts: 563
I'm gutted I can't come along, I could have introduced myself.

Unfortunately, half my (ex-)staff are being made redundant and I'm meeting them all for a night out.

I was made redundant in Dec early - who needs senior IT Managers anyway! But looking on the bright side, we wouldn't have ADFFS if I was still there smile

Perhaps in my absence, you can get a game or two up running under it.
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VinceH Message #120155, posted by VincceH at 00:08, 20/4/2012, in reply to message #120148
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Before I could phone to query the £40 "compulsory" extra, they phoned me. I stated that this was not included in their T&Cs (it isn't) and wasn't stated during the booking process either.
Uh... see the screen grab I'm about to attach... tongue
laterooms-cedarcourt.jpg 836x528 56.3KB

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Trevor Johnson Message #120156, posted by trevj at 07:01, 20/4/2012, in reply to message #120155
Posts: 660
Ah, so it is! Well, I genuinely missed that and it's not mentioned in the normal T&Cs (nor any mention that special offers may impose additional terms AFAICR). I'll buy you a drink or two anyway, and pay my share of fuel if we travel up together.
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VinceH Message #120159, posted by VincceH at 09:02, 20/4/2012, in reply to message #120156
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Ah, so it is! Well, I genuinely missed that and it's not mentioned in the normal T&Cs (nor any mention that special offers may impose additional terms AFAICR).
At least, that's your story and you're sticking to it! wink

I'll buy you a drink or two anyway, and pay my share of fuel if we travel up together.
That sounds like a plan. A good plan. I like that plan. Ale

Edit: The drinks, that is. I'm not really worried about the fuel because, by sheer coincidence, I'm going that way anyway. wink

[Edited by VincceH at 09:03, 20/4/2012]

[Edited by VincceH at 09:18, 20/4/2012]
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Sion Message #120163, posted by apacketofsweets at 10:18, 20/4/2012, in reply to message #120146
RISC OS, too cool for Javascript.

Posts: 110
It is not physically possible to get a room for £15. Sorry, primary school dropouts, no free lunch for you.
I wouldn't say it's impossible to get a room that cheap. Last Christmas I booked a room in one of those Travelodge type places for Boxing day, I didn't need anything fancier as all I was doing the next day was continuing my journey north. Anyway, because I booked it the night before the room came to just over 8ukp, breakfast was included and there were no hidden charges.

Granted the hotel was somewhat cheap and cheerful, but you can pick up genuine deals if you look around (and book very, very late).
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Chris Evans Message #120171, posted by CJE at 16:12, 20/4/2012, in reply to message #120148
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
They wouldn't give that rate:-( Cedar court wanted £77 for two people in Twin with breakfast.
I've booked us in B&B for £49.85 at Days Inn, One junction up the M1 (J40)

Either at http://www.laterooms.com/en/hotel-reservations/73235_days-hotel-wakefield-m1-jct-40-leeds-wakefield.aspx

or direct
You need to specify 'Advanced Purchase' which is non cancellable

See you there.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Wakefield show reminder