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The Icon Bar: News and features: New Editor for Acorn User

New Editor for Acorn User

Posted by Richard Goodwin on 10:40, 31/10/2001 | ,
According to a posting on the comp.sys.acorn.announce newsgroup John Cartmell has taken over as editor of the Acorn User magazine. Steve Turbull will stay on as Consultant Editor and as a contributor.

John intends to add a number of new ideas to AU, including some that were contributed when he recently asked the newsgroups for input. He goes on to say, "The presence of Acorn User in the newsagents is an essential tool for the RISC OS community... Our intention is to provide an excellent read, and a source of information, for all current or potential RISC OS users."

If you want to comment directly to AU about this, email editor@acornuser.com

Source: Newsgroups

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David Message #89364, posted at 18:29, 9/11/2001, in reply to message #89363
Unregistered user Go on RISC IT
You will enjoy IT!
The Government got IT wrong when they took
the 'soft option. Why should we?
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Peter Darnell Message #89365, posted at 13:54, 13/11/2001, in reply to message #89364
Unregistered user Looks like it has gone wrong have a look.

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Lee Johnston Message #89366, posted at 16:14, 13/11/2001, in reply to message #89365
Unregistered user Deary me you really have to laugh at the shambolic-ness of it all. (that isn't aimed at John BTW, it's just a general comment).

What was that about not making announcements before being completely ready again??
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John Hoare Message #89367, posted at 18:01, 13/11/2001, in reply to message #89366
Unregistered user I *DESPAIR*!
Will we ever find out why?
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The Icon Bar: News and features: New Editor for Acorn User