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The Icon Bar: News and features: Doom - DIY Doom

Doom - DIY Doom

Posted by graham on 00:00, 30/10/2000 | , , ,

DIY Doom

Well, here it is, at popular and unpopular demand, the complete instructions for setting up Doom-It-Yourself, for the complete C novice. I've spent some time compiling these to make them as easy to follow as possible.
The instructions are split into two sections: the online and offline sections. The online instructions are on this page, and you should follow them now, step-by-step, to obtain everything necessary off the internet. Then download the textfile containing the offline instructions, and you can get off the phone and start actually setting everything up.
All links are direct downloads which you should SHIFT-click on to download direct to disc. Where possible I have provided more than one link, in case one is too slow from where you are browsing.



Online Instructions

  1. Create a new directory on your hard disc called 'DIY' and open it. Put everything you download into this directory.
  2. You need SparkFS from David Pilling. If you do not have it, tell me and I'll try and set up some instructions to circumvent its use.
  3. Obtain the GCC C compiler

    UK (Sunsite):
    GCCmain |
    cc1 |
    Unixlib37b |
    Clib |
    Sockets |
    Make |
    Patch1 |
    Germany (Stuttgart):
    GCCmain |
    cc1 |
    Unixlib37b |
    Clib |
    Sockets | Make |
    Patch1 |

  4. Obtain the original Linux DOOM source code
    Direct from iD's site
    Fast UK mirror
  5. Obtain the Patch utility
    Fast UK mirror
  6. Obtain the DIY archive
    Author's website
  7. Obtain the latest update archive (currently M2)
    Author's website


Offline Instructions


Download the offline instructions
Now log off and install DIY Doom! Best of luck!

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Doom - DIY Doom